Since combat has been completed, I have slowly started adding enemies to the game. With enemies added, you can now kill them. For the time being, and the foreseeable future, the plan is to have them fall to the ground and after a few moments, have them sink through it and disappear from the game. If you write code, then you know how simple this is:
Remove colliders from model so it will pass through everything.
If using physics, let gravity do the rest.
If not using physics, decrement the model's y position over time.
After so much time has passed, destroy the model.
This game doesn't really use physics, so I use the second method mentioned in Step 3. However, I accidentally incremented the y value instead of lessening it. The end result was probably the funniest programming "bug" I have seen in a while. Imagine getting attacked by Velociraptors. You unload a full magazine on one and it falls dead. Moments later you watch its lifeless body ascend to heaven... I have a bit of a notion of making that a game feature if not just a hidden one.